Sikkim / Travelogue

Trip To Old Silk Route – Zuluk – East Sikkim

Silk Route - Zigzag Road

I came to know about Silk Route first time from various trip reports in IndiaMike long back. And since then the idea to explore this part of Sikkim was in mind, but couldn’t materialize it somehow due to other assignments. I have been to North Sikkim, South Sikkim and West Sikkim previously, so I had fair enough idea about Sikkim but not Silk Route which constitutes the East part of Sikkim. Though we were aware that there would be huge rush in Puja vacations, but this year I had already extinguished so much leaves, as practically I was on holiday every month. Starting from February in Bhutan, March in Jhallong, April in South & West Sikkim, June in Bangalore (though this was due to annual checkup of my wife, but made a short trip to Coorg), July was planned for Latpanchar but later on a verge, went to Goa. And now, I was planning for October!! Anyone working in IT Industry would raise their eyes!!

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Thus I decided, not to take a single leave in these remaining two months to convince my manager for this holiday. So I thought of clubbing Puja Holidays with 1 or 2 leaves for this trip.

Planning : TL;DR 😛
Well every budget and do-it-on-your-own traveler like me, loves this stage the most. This is one of the most exciting stage for peoples like me, as most thing began here!! For me, it was, on a fine evening at Tea and Snacks, I placed the idea of this trip to Silk Route in East Sikkim among my family travel group. And guess what? My mom and my aunt just shooed it away stating, “dhur esob choto choto trip e amra zamu na, tui tor bou re loiya ja” (We are not going on such small trips, you go with your wife). Yes, who doesn’t loves long trip, but considering my situation, asking for more leaves would raise more eyebrows from senior management. Anyway, I started planning things. Trip Advisor didn’t helped much here though, but India Mike came to rescue with such awesome trip reports being shared there. I went through almost all past reports, that have been shared by various travelers out there, to understand the daily activities and the destinations.

With help of various such trip reports, I quickly made up an itinerary like NJP – Sillery Gaon – Reshikhola – Zuluk (actually spelled as Dzuluk) – Nathang (actually spelled as Gnathang) – Mankhim – NJP. But soon, I had to dismiss this plan, as my mom and my aunt was not getting agree to settle in anything less than 10 days. So I promised them to take Pelling which they wanted to visit badly during our trip to Gangtok and North Sikkim last time.

Silk Route - Reshikhola

And then I came up with the base destinations of Silk Route, namely, Icche Gaon / Ramdhura, Sillery Gaon, Reshikhola, Aritar and Mankhim. One can use any one of these as base destination for starting their journey to Silk Route. I must say each destination offers different charm, so staying at one and passing through other would be an injustice. And to tell you the truth, I just wanted to stay at all these destination. But….that’s not possible, due to the number of days in hand and also as I cannot return on the same route covering different destination each way due to my plan of including Pelling.

So with help of Arup Da and some other members from India Mike, and from pictures shared in in various Trip Reports at India Mike and Google Images, I fixed up Reshikhola and Mankhim. I just loved the pictures of Reshikhola, so didn’t gave another thought on it. The attractive point of Aritar is to stay beside the Lampokhari Lake which seemed to be fine for Honeymoon Couples, but the same didn’t seem attractive much to me. So I safely kept Aritar as a sightseeing tough & go destination. Mankhim is the hill top of Aritar from where one can get some great views on a clear day as well as the Lampokhari Lake. And thus Mankhim seemed to be a perfect destination as I always tend to love clouds stucked in hills. I’d have surely chosen Sillery Gaon, if I had more days in hand. But then, I thought of covering Pedong – Icche Gaon / Ramdhura – Sillery Gaon on another trip next time. You know, there’s always a next time with me!! With the base destinations been fixed, it was time to plan Pelling through Gangtok. On our last visit to South & West Sikkim, we missed out Yuksom and Namchi as one of our friend caught fever. So I thought of covering them too this time!!

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Anyway, the plan was almost fixed with the route being NJP – Reshikhola (1N) – Mankhim (1N) – Zuluk (1N) – Nathang (1N) – Gangtok (1N) – Pelling (2N) – NJP. This seemed to be perfect, as I’ll be done with 3 leaves only. And then I realized my 3rd leave is on a Friday, so what’s the point on catching train on a Friday? I can safely include another day as Saturday and Sunday is off day anyway. And thus I thought of halting at Yuksom for one night.

I started calling up the homestay owners along Silk Route, as during the Puja vacations, booking starts as early as from April. I got a quote of 850/- per person per night from Reshikhola, Mankhim and Zuluk (Dzuluk). But Miss Pema Sherpa from Nathang (Gnathang) quoted 900/- per person per day. So I called up Sebastian Pradhan from Reshikhola again but he was out for some work and asked to contact his daughter Pranita Pradhan. She said, she can arrange all the destinations for Rs. 850/- per head. That seemed reasonable, as I don’t have to transfer advance to each and every homestay owners separately and I was getting a flat rate of 850/- per person per day in average. But all of them I spoke to, said they will charge Rs. 3500/- per day for vehicle, which is absolutely a great offer considering Puja vacations and normal rates.

Last time while at Pachu Residency in Pelling, I noticed the tariff of the rooms we were staying in were mentioned as 1600/-, but we got it for 1500/- from Dipankar Da. When I asked Mr. Prantik, the owner, about such discrepancy and how am I getting it at a lower price from a tour operator instead if I contact the hotel directly? He smiled and went ahead to clear my confusion. He said, most hoteliers have some contract with tour operators for a special price because of the number of tourist they send every year. Now it’s upto the tour operator to make decision about the final rate. He further said, many times he came across unethical tour operators who charge Rs. 2000/- from tourists, for rooms that he offers for Rs. 1200/-. And in the end, when the tourist arrives having a mindset of a room for Rs. 2000/- often leaves unhappy and gives bad reviews. Because at the end of the day the room is of Rs. 1200/- not of Rs. 2000/-. So when a tourist is paying such amount, s/he would obviously have a picture of room of such value. He thinks keeping such profit margin is clearly unethical and it also affects the reputation of the hotel.

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Anyway, so I knew I will get fair price from my old and reliable contact, Dipankar Da, than if I try to book directly in South and West Sikkim. So one fine morning I called him up and shared by plan. But the same evening he called me up, and said, he have modified the plan and increased two more days. Everyone reading this, please don’t this otherwise, as I have such good terms with him that he being an avid traveler, keeps me suggesting new destination and modifies my plan accordingly. So if you are contacting him for your own reasons, rest assured, he’s one of the best and most ethical tour operator I came across. And as I already said, he being an avid traveler can suggest you some great offbeat places at reasonable cost. Even though I requested him, not to do that, as I won’t be able to manage my leaves anymore, but he kept on insisting for the same and said it’d be a really good experience and he want me to explore this destination otherwise he wouldn’t have insisted this much. I knew, he never suggests anything wrong, and there must be something exotic about this. So I readily agreed, but kept on thinking of managing another leave somewhere in my unconscious mind.

I was in Coorg at that time when booking window of IRCTC was about to open, so I asked him to manage the tickets as I was not sure whether I’d able to do that from mobile at such rush condition. Though he tried hard but it still went to WL 133. But I managed to secure the return tickets on my own as we were back to Kolkata by then. Now that the tickets were booked, planning were done, it was time to transfer the advance to Sebastian Pradhan to secure the booking. Even though I had developed good relationship with Gopi and I was constantly in touch with him, I thought of making it through Dipankar Da only, as either way there’d be no price difference, but contacting him directly would surely make Dipankar Da offended specially when I’m booking all the hotels through him. As I was loosing out nothing, I thought of not to take such move and asked Dipankar Da to assign us with Gopi only. Gopi was already aware of this, as I used to speak with him every once in a while.

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Finally, before transferring advance, for the last time, I thought of checking Silk Route portion once with Dipankar Da, and he offered me the same rate as of Sebastian Pradhan / Pranita Pradhan. Last time on my trip to South & West Sikkim, he offered me the car for 3300/- per day. So I enquired with him about the possibility to travel in same rate again 😛 I knew, it would be next to impossible due to Puja rush, but Dipankar Da assured he’ll try his best to ensure the same rate in both Silk Route and with Gopi.

Thus without giving it a second thought, I shared the details of discussion I had with the homestay owners and asked him to go ahead with the bookings for Silk Route too. Either way I’d be loosing nothing, as no homestay owners throughout Silk Route can offer me the rate of 3300/- per day for vehicle. Even if Dipankar Da couldn’t manage it, I’d be paying the same amount, but if he could, I’d be on the gainer side 😛

One fine morning, Dipankar Da called up and said, to check “Ei-Samay” or “Ananda Bazar”, bengali daily immediately as some special trains have been announced due to Durga Puja. He already informed me not to worry, when my ticket got in to WL, as it was sure that Puja Speical trains would be announced and asked me not to cancel the tickets anyhow, as many times Railway accommodates WL tickets on some special trains automatically.

Silk Route - Reshikhola

He further informed that he have altered the itinerary on the South and West Sikkim part and made it like Gangtok – Ravangla – Yuksom – Pelling – Hee Gaon (Hee Patal). He further said that, the accomodation at Yuksom is not yet guaranteed due to lack of availability, in that case he’d make us accommodate in Ravangla for 2 nights. I was bit reluctant to do that, but he ensured, it’d not be a bad experience. And if at any point things get available at Yuksom, he’ll shift us there. As I have been to Ravangla before, I was unable to judge what’s the point of staying at Ravangla for 2 nights. But as Yuksom had no availability, I had no way. And regarding Hee Gaon, I kinda guessed that, because last time on our trip to South and West Sikkim, he was staying there when we were in Kaluk. So I somewhat guessed that, he’ll be making us stay there, as on various occasions he told me to visit there if I get a chance.

I kept a close eye from that day on IRCTC, as no one was sure when the booking window for the same will be opened. Finally one morning, I found it to be marked as “#” beside the availability which indicated that the booking was about to open that day. I got ready and quickly opened up excel and noted down the name and details of the passengers, so that I can quickly copy paste the same to extend my chance. And guess what? luckily I was able to score a confirmed ticket on Sealdah – Kamakhya Special!!

In between, Dipankar Da called me up one day to inform that he was able to secure our booking at Yuksom as some tourist have cancelled their visit recently. Good enough!! I was happy that I’ll be able to stay in Yuksom, which was a long pending plan. But in the meantime, I realized that, we’ll be changing hotels every day that means it can be rushing through the places without feeling it, which I particularly don’t like. But it was too late to re-think. But again, most of the places I have been to already, so it didn’t mattered much.

Flowers of Sikkim

Here’s the final itinerary for your reference…
Day 1 : NJP – Reshikhola
Day 2 : Reshikhola – Mankhim
Day 3 : Mankhim – Zuluk (Dzuluk)
Day 4 : Zuluk (Dzuluk) – Nathang (Gnathang)
Day 5 : Nathang (Gnathang) – Gangtok
Day 6 : Gangtok – Ravangla via Namchi
Day 7 : Ravangla – Yuksom via Tashiding

Day 8 : Yuksom – Pelling via Pelling Sightseeing
Day 9 : Pelling – Hee Gaon / Hee Patal (Chaya Taal) via Singhore, Uttarey, Dentam
Day 10 : Hee Gaon / Hee Patal (Chaya Taal) – NJP

7th October : The Beginning…
Gradually, the Mahalaya passed by, and things started feeling differently. Puja specific advertisement banners and hoardings started appearing here and there. It was full of Puja environment everywhere and add the excitement of the tour on top of that 😛 I was feeling very lazy to go to office anymore, leave alone any concentration on the work. It was like everyone was anxiously waiting for the “Mahasashti” (6th Day).

(Un)luckily I was offered to change my shift to UK time for some production issues and I grabbed this chance to get my leaves approved!! And thus, maybe, my manager agreed due to the hard work of last 2 months without a single leave and late night work hours. Finally the “Mahasashti” (6th Day) arrived!! People started hopping pandals from “Chaturthi” (4th day) only. Though our train was at 11:55 PM in the midnight, but my dad didn’t wanted to take any risk, and asked us to start for Sealdah before dusk. As post that, the roads will be full of traffic jam and he didn’t want to take any risk.

Well, one cannot argue and win with him, so we agreed, and I called up my manager to request Work From Home which got approved without much issue, as most of the people did same thing. Though it was work from home, but I spent most of the day charging my camera, checking memory cards for the last time and all.

Sealdah Railway Station

The day passed like a breeze, and we started for Sealdah at around 5:30 PM and we managed to reach Sealdah within 7:00 PM. Sealdah was looking completely different this time. It was fully decorated with lights and “dhakiyas” (the drummers) were playing “dhaks” (drums) all around. But we were bit skeptical about how to spend this 4 hours now. Me along with my wife, Suparna and my cousin, Akash went ahead to check out Big Bazaar. We did some window shopping there roaming around here and there on AC (ofcourse we didn’t bought a single thing :P)!! And then we roamed around here and there around Sealdah to pass time and at around 9:00 PM we went ahead for dinner.

The bad news was both Darjeeling Mail and Padatik Express started late which indicated that ours would be late too. Although we were more or less aware of that, being a special train, it’d be late anyway and dirty as hell. Soon our train was announced and it arrived on platform. This being a full AC Train, the coaches were that of Rajdhani and Duronto had been re-used. Surprisingly, we found the train to be neat and clean and very well maintained even being a special train. May be due to the coaches of well known trains being re-used. But whatever it is, we liked it. Even the linens and towels provided were neat and clean. It’s good that Railways have improved and we felt like value for money. We generally don’t travel in AC at all, so we were excited a bit for this too!!

The train blewed whistle and started towards it destination at around 12:10 AM, 15 Minutes late than scheduled departure time. We pretty much had nothing to do, so we spent some time chit-chatting among ourselves and then we all hit the bed with dreams of Mt. K in our mind 🙂

Silk Route - Mankhim

8th October : Day 1 : NJP – Reshikhola
Our train was bit late as expected and reached NJP at around 12:30 (instead of scheduled departure time of 10:05 AM), straight 2.5 hours late. In the meanwhile, we already informed Arpan, our driving partner for the Silk Route leg about the train being late. After coming out of the NJP Station, we called him up and met with him. He and his agency’s manager Mr. Mohan was waiting for us and upon noticing us greeted us warmly. After a small chit chat we started for our first destination Reshikhola.

We asked Arpan to stop at some ATM where he seems would be feasible. In the meanwhile, Mr. Chumbey Bhutia from Prakriti Eco Retreat, Reshikhola called up many times to inquire about out whereabouts. We informed him that we probably won’t be able to take our lunch there as we just started from NJP and the road through Siliguri Hong Kong market was full of traffic jam, so we’d be having our lunch on the way. Arpan stopped at few ATM’s but we were out of our luck as all the ATM’s were out of cash.

Kalijhora - Sevoke

Soon we crossed Kalijhora followed by Sevok. Previously we thought of having our lunch here, but the road was full of traffic jam, thus we asked Arpan to carry on. Arpan gave us a stopover at Lohapool to have our lunch. It was already 2:45 by then. We were bit worried about ATM though, as we were not carrying much cash, and later on we won’t be getting any ATM throughout Silk Route. Arpan informed us that he’ll be taking the route through Rangpo, as it’d be full of traffic jam through Kalimpong, and thus he assured us that we’d get cash easily at ATM’s in Rangpo.

He further went on saying that, it’s very problematic to get cash in Siliguri and this region, because of this Puja vacation. Most tourists take out huge amount of cash and due to this locals face problems too. I asked him in that case how does local people manage it during Puja vacations? He informed us that local people takes out necessary cash much before this Puja vacation in order to avoid any unwanted situations.

After having our lunch and a small break we started for Rangpo at around 3:15 PM. It took us around 1.5 hours to reach Rangpo. We sought his suggestion for picking up liquors while at Lohapool, he told us that he’d give a stopover at Rangpo for ATM and asked us to pickup liquors from there only, as it’d be cheaper in Sikkim. Again unluckily, due to some occasion, all the ATM’s in Rangpo market were closed. We checked out 4-5 of them, but the shutter was down for all of them.

Kalijhora - Sevoke

Without wasting much time, we bought a 750ml of BP (1Ltr bottles are not common and not available in Sikkim) and started proceeding to our today’s destination Reshikhola. Now my mom, dad and aunt was getting tensed due to this ATM issue. But I assured them, that we won’t be needing much cash throughout Silk Route leg as all being homestays with fooding and lodging package, everything is paid. Dipankar Da had already paid Arpan from the advance that I have transferred to him, so we don’t even have much scope to use cash anywhere till Gangtok. So I asked them to keep calm and not to worry. We’d be fine with whatever we were carrying.

In the meanwhile, Mr. Chumbey Bhutia called up 3 times, worrying about us for being so late. I handovered the phone to Arpan, and he explained the traffic throughout the route and bad condition of the road. Finally we reached Reshikhola at around 6:00 PM. We called up Mr. Chumbey Bhutia, and he informed us that, two porters are already waiting there, and they would guide us to the homestay. Arpan, by noticing curiosity in our face, explained us that, Reshikhola is on the Bengal side, but the point where the car drops you, is in Sikkim side. Thus one have to walk around 1KM (around 45 minutes – 1 hour), first by crossing the Reshi River through the wooden pools and then through the forest to reach the homestays. He further explained us that, one can also come from Bengal side, but there’s no wooden pool to cross the river, so except summer time when the river is much gentle enabling the car to cross the river easily, one cannot reach these homestays on other season.

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Silk Route - Reshikhola

A feeling of thrill ran through our veins!! We felt very excited and adventurous hearing this. Though we were travelling with family, all in their 60’s, my dad being 65+, my mom who is 62 and my aunt who is at 60, still they ensured, it’s kinda adventurous for them too. And as they are used to travelling, it won’t be an issue!! Arpan bid us good bye and said he’ll be here tomorrow by 10 AM. Though we asked him to stay with us, but he being from nearby village, went to his home instead. The boys packed the luggage in a basket same as like they do in Tea Gardens and handed over two torch to us. One of them asked us to follow him and another one said he’ll walk behind us to ensure nothing goes wrong. It was all dark, so we stepped slowly. After walking for around 15 minutes we reached the pool that we need to cross. There were 2 of them. Upon noticing few homestays beside the pool we thought to be one of them. But the porter boys confirmed that they were opened recently, and ours is still a bit far away. We kept walking through the forest which seemed to be denser in the dark.

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Finally after walking for around another 40 – 45 minutes we reached the homestays. First one we crossed was Mr. Sebastian’s Homestay, Reshi Eco Resort and then the last one being ours Prakriti Eco Retreat, belonging to Mr. Chumbey Bhutia. Upon noticing us, Mr. Bhutia came forward and welcomed us warmly and showed us our cottages. It was really cozy and clean. We already fell in love with the atmosphere there. Staying in a cottage beside the river hearing it’s chirping sound made us felt right within the nature. The boys came forward to ask whether we’d like to have anything, we immediately replied “Tea” all of us at a same time!!. Mr. Bhutia excused himself and asked us to get fresh and said that in the mean time our tea will be here.

After some time, the boys came up with Tea and some onion pakoda for us. Mr. Bhutia too came up and asked me to join him at the balcony. After some time, my dad, mom, aunt, cousin and wife came up and joined us too. We discussed about various things from Nature to politics to his love for Football. He told us about his family and childhood!! He also informed us, that Reshikhola even being such a great destination, most people doesn’t likes to come up here due to the distance one have to walk from the drop point. He further went on saying “Everyone wants to get dropped right in front of hotel”. We knew, it was the bitter truth.

He further told us about, how much he loves travelling. He told us stories of his experience of bike tour to various destinations including Bhutan. I too shared my part of stories about travelling and he was happy to know that I have been to Bhutan too!! In the meanwhile it started drizzling a bit. He showed us some local drinks that they take, homemade with “kadu” and generally taken with a pierced bamboo being used as a straw. My mom, being spent her school life at Kurseong, identified this thing immediately!! And it was then he guessed that she might be well versed in Nepali!! Yes my mom can speak and understand Nepali quite well due to her whole childhood being spent at Kurseong.

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Mr. Bhutia, excused himself informing us that, our dinner would be ready in some time and till then asked us to enjoy the nature, and to go near the River. I thought the road will be full of leeches, but he ensured nothing such exists here, so not to worry!! He further told us to wake up in the morning early to enjoy the nature. Me, Akash & Suparna went nearby the river to enjoy a smoke at such awesome weather. Akash was quite happy to came at such destination and thanked me to choosing this one in the itinerary!!

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Later we were called for dinner, and we were served hot rice / roti, dal, sabji, chicken and egg. Mr. Bhutia came forward to inform us that, he adjusted the eggs as we didn’t had our lunch. But we really felt there was no need to do such thing. Post dinner, we spent some time chit-chatting among ourselves and had a peg each, before hitting the bed.

9th October : Day 2 : Reshikhola – Mankhim :
My mom, dad and aunt being early risers, were up by 5 generally!! We woke up at around 6 o’ clock and literally rushed outside with the camera to capture the splendid views!! Me and Akash, went nearby the river and spent some time clicking pictures and having a smoke. Mr. Bhutia came up and wished us Good Morning 🙂 He further informed us that our breakfast would be ready in an hour. So went ahead to get ready, as we thought of start by 9, as it’d take around 30 – 45 minutes to walk up there. Later we went ahead to a shade nearby the river and it was like, we sat there getting soaked ourselves into the nature.

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Later we were called up for breakfast, where they served hot puri and sabji along with Tea. Tough we already had a round of Tea before too!! Post breakfast, we went for a walk, and I decided to go and meet Mr. Sebastian Pradhan, as during my planning phase I had a lots of discussion with him and his daughter Pranita Pradhan. Though later I called him up to apologize, when I came to know that Dipankar Da have booked Praktiti Eco Resort instead of Reshi Eco Resort. He told us that it was absolutely fine and it’s great that we will be coming here and asked us to meet him once we are there. Though I felt very bad, but then I realized the how generous these people are.

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Mr. Sebastian Pradhan - Reshikahola

I walked up there along with my mom, aunt and Suparna and upon enquiring a person busy watering flower, he himself introduced as Mr. Sebastian Pradhan to us and smilingly said “main malik nahi hun main mali hun” (I’m not the owner, I’m the Nurseryman). We shaked hand and I introduced my mom, aunt and Suparna. He then showed us his garden and asked us to take a look freely as we like. My aunt being a gardener too, got mingled with him quickly and they kept on discussing about various things related to various flowers in his garden. I then enquired about his daughter, but she was busy serving the guests, so I thought not to disturb her in that case. He further went ahead to show us coffee plantation in his garden.

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Finally after spending some time we bid good bye and went towards our homestay. After returning, we informed Mr. Bhutia, that Arpan, would be there by 10, so we’d like to start, as it’d take us some time to reach there. It was already 9:00 AM by then and thus he informed the boys to make the arrangements. Mr. Bhutia informed that us we have to pay an amount of Rs. 400/- as porter charges (Rs. 200/- each way). That seemed reasonable, as we already thought of paying them some tip for carrying such heavy loads throughout the route. Last night when we came here, the route felt a bit long, due to synchronization required between us due to limitation of torch, but now while leaving, we reached the drop point within 30 minutes. We called up Arpan and he informed that he’s already on his way and he’ll here within next 5-10 minutes.

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Silk Route - Reshikhola

Finally we started at around 10:15 AM. Our first destination for the day was Lampokhari Lake in Aritar. Arpan stopped at Rehnock, by noticing an ATM there, and asked me to try here. As this is a bit offbeat area, chances are it won’t be out of cash. He was damn right, we took out some cash considering the remaining 3 days of Silk Route leg and started for Lampokhari Lake. We reached there at around 11:00 AM. It was a nice little lake in the midst of hills covered with clouds.

Silk Route - Lampokhari Lake

Silk Route - Lampokhari Lake

Pointing at one of the hill top, Arpan told us “That’s Mankhim, the halt for the day”. We took some time to roam around the Lake and clicking pictures. Me and Akash was keen to go for the boating. Though it’s not like, I kind of like boating and all, but it was a different charm at this destination. Me, dad, Akash and Suparna went for it. The allowed time frame was 30 minutes, which I felt was enough. We took almost 3 rounds around the lake.

Silk Route - Lampokhari Lake

Silk Route - Lampokhari Lake

Silk Route - Lampokhari Lake

Silk Route - Lampokhari Lake

And then we went to a nearby shop to have Tea and Momos. Arpan was having tea and gossiping with his friends already. Finally we started for Mankhim at around 12:10 PM and it took us 30 minutes to reach there. Upon noticing our car Mr. Robin Rai, the host for our day, from Heaven Valley Homestay came forward with some guys and carried our luggage. I being behind him, upon noticing a cottage at the top, asked him whether we can stay there? He smiled and replied “That’s your cottage only”. I cheered up with joy!! Mr. Robin is a very jolly person and took some time out to chit chat with us. His brother Mr. Prakash and Mr. Bimal joined us. He further told us that, this cottage has been newly constructed and belongs to his brother Bimal. He also showed us the properties belongs to him and his brother Prakash.

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

It’s a very large area, where they as a whole family run this homestay business. Everyone working there is either their brother or sister of other family member. In a quick time frame we got mingled with his niece who was there with his mother on a holiday, due to Dusherra. But whatever it be, she didn’t allowed to click her pictures. She kept mumbling “Pehle aunty ka photo khicho phir mera” (First take her photo and then I’ll allow to click mine) pointing towards my wife!!

Bimal and his sister came forward to chit-chat about our whereabouts. They all were quire jovial and friendly. You see this is the culture and warm hospitality I always talk about at homestays. No hotel, doesn’t matter how much you pay, can give you this friendly feeling. You’d feel like being one of them of their family. Within few minutes, we were called for lunch.

Silk Route - Mankhim

Post lunch, Mr. Robin came up and asked us to take a look around, go to the view points. They have two view point, one being private, designed with an Umbrella, and another being shared with Shantikunj, one of the 3 homestay’s in Mankhim. We went towards the private one, the one with Umbrella. We met up a Bengali couple there who were on a holiday, and did some chit-chat. They were there through Nature Wings. In the meanwhile, another bengali group appeared and noticing us speaking Bengali asked me “Which travel agency?”. They were also there through Nature Wings. I wittily said “Nature Wings seems to be very well known”. Yes even I have heard their name before, but for me I always like to do my trips on my own instead of going in a packaged tour. One of the person from the group card forward and smilingly approached “Nature Wings are self proclaimed expert in this region”. And then we all laughed out!!

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Mr. Robin Rai too came up and asked us whether we’d like to check out the souvenir shop. Though we don’t like doing shopping while on tour, but still we thought of checking it out, as my aunt was looking for a Buddhist wind charm. Upon noticing us, his sister, came forward and welcomed us warmly. She introduced herself and told us, she’s now married off at Gangtok and now came here with her daughter, as her school is off due to Dusshera. We informed her that we already met her daughter and she’s very cute!! She asked us whether we’d like to try out traditional dress. Trying out dresses would cost Rs. 100/- with picture and Rs. 50/- without picture. Though we were very reluctant to such thing, but Suparna wished to try out. And then later on one by one everyone tried out the dresses while I clicked the pictures!! This time, I made her daughter agree to get her picture clicked!!

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Later on we bought some Buddhist souvenir as they seemed to be cheaper than Gangtok and Pelling. As we thought of moving towards the 2nd view point, it started raining badly. So we spent some more time chit-chatting with them. After the rain halted a bit, we went ahead towards the view point. One can view Lampokhari Lake clearly from there. We further went ahead towards Shanti Kunj and crossing the same we reached till Kanchanjungha Mirror. Lalit Rait, the owner, came forward by noticing us and offered us drinking water noticing my wife panting. Later he informed us to go further up there to a Shiva Temple. Though my wife took rest there, Me and Akash went forward.

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Later in the evening, I called up Bimal and asked whether a beer can be arranged, which he did in no time. Though we were carrying whisky, but Me and Akash tends to love beer more!! We all spent rest of the evening having drinks and chit-chatting among ourselves. Later at around 8:30 PM, we were called for dinner. They only had roti’s with sabji and chicken. Though I prefer rice, but at a homestay at such an exotic location, it didn’t mattered much. But what went bad was, all the homestay’s asks for number of roti’s before preparing the same. But they somehow guessed and prepared 3 roti per person in an average. Fortunately, we were carrying cakes and biscuits with us so we managed it somehow for that night.

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

10th October : Day 3 : Mankhim – Zuluk (Dzuluk)
Mr. Robin already informed us last night to get up early, as because of the rain chances are there that the cloud will be cleared out and we’d be able to view Mt. K. Thus we woke up early today too, but out of out luck, it was full of clouds blocking the whole view. Though the cloud started smudging towards different end but that didn’t last long. We were served Puri and excellent Alu Sabji in breakfast and after last night’s incident we had a sumptuous lunch. We guessed, Bimal’s sister was not there yesterday, and thus he might have messed it up!! Anyway, we thought of leaving it after having such a great breakfast!!

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim


Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

Finally Arpan arrived at around 9:30, and we started for our today’s destination Zuluk (actually spelled as Dzuluk) after bidding good bye to Mr. Robin and his family. I took the Email ID of his sister though for sending the pictures of her daughter. Though she said, she doesn’t use it much, instead her daughter only keeps using her mobile for Facebook, WhatsApp and all those!! I’m aware of this generation, so it’s not a generation gap for me!!

Silk Route - Way To Mankhim

Silk Route - Way To Mankhim

Our first stop was Rongli, where we need to make the permits in order to proceed further. Rest of the Silk Route being restricted one needs Restricted Area Permit to visit these places. To get the permit one need a letter head from authorized tour operator of Sikkim with details of the tourists along with ID Proof and Photograph. I went with Arpan while others kept decided to explore the market. Arpan took me to a tour operator’s office where I needed to fill up the details for all us in a form as per the ID Proof. There were lots of drivers filling up the forms for their guests. Arpan thought I might feel offended and thus told me, he would have filled it up himself, but asked me because I’ll be well versed with our names and if he makes even a small mistake, they will reject it and we’ll have to apply it again. I assured him that not to worry, and it’s absolutely fine and makes sense. We payed Rs. 200/- for the permit which Arpan had to pay to the tour operator (probably for the letter head).

He then asked me, whether I’d like to go with him to the office or explore the market. I choose to explore the market instead as I’d have nothing to do there and no one knows how much time it’d take. He’d be standing in the queue and I’d be getting bored. Instead I called up my cousin and wife and met with them, and had a beer!! In the meanwhile, Arpan was done with the permit. He informed us that he thought it’d be a lot of rush in there, but not much queue was there and so he was done early.

Silk Route - Mankhim

Silk Route - Mankhim

We started at around 11:30 AM and crossed Lingtam within next 20 minutes. In between we had to pay a entry fee of Rs. 560/- for 2 days. The officials explained that this area have been declared as Wildlife Zone from 1st April 2016 and one have to pay a fee of Rs. 55/- per head per day. For students there was a concession of Rs. 20/- per head per day. One have to submit the photocopy of ID Proof along with passport size photo. The official was highly impressed by noticing me keeping the documents of each member in an organized way by clipping them. He said “This is a great idea, I’ll tell other tourists too, to keep their documents this way. That will save their and our time too.” 🙂

Silk Route - Wildlife Fee

Silk Route - Way To Zuluk

Silk Route - Way To Zuluk

Silk Route - Way To Zuluk

Further we crossed Que-Khola Falls in Nimachen and Phadamchen and reached Zuluk (Dzuluk) at around 1:40 PM. Our host for the day, Mr. Sherpa Passang, owner of Palzor Homestay, was right there when we reached. He welcomed us warmly and called up his sister. He asked us to follow his sister and said he’ll carry the luggage. His sister, said the lunch will be served shortly. Soon our lunch was served and as usual it contained Rice, Dal, Sabji and Egg Curry. We were damn hungry and the preparation was just awesome. We literally licked our fingers after finishing our meal!!

Silk Route - Zuluk

Silk Route - Zuluk

Post lunch, we hiked up the road where there was a Army Hospital. We noticed few homestay’s there too. After spending some time there enjoying the view, we came down as it was about to go dark. Later we went to a nearby shop to buy beer. It was very cold out there, so we thought of having a peg of rum. We found Mr. Sherpa there and then he introduced us to his mom, dad and his elder sister. He said the shop belongs to his father. He further kept on saying that everyone here in Zuluk (Dzuluk) are his family members. When I inquired about Mr. Gopal Pradhan, owner of Dil Maya Retreat, he introduced a women sitting beside him, as Gopal Pradhan’s wife and he said Gopal Pradhan is his uncle. Though I really couldn’t understand how the whole village can be his family members. Did he meant it otherwise? I’m not sure, as I thought of not stretching the matter much.

Silk Route - Zuluk

Silk Route - Zuluk

Silk Route - Zuluk

Silk Route - Zuluk

There were another Bengali group, came to buy some drinks and some drivers having Honey Bee brandy. Noticing us, they shifted, and asked us to be comfortable. Akash and Suparna, ordered a 250ml of Old Monk, and I ordered a Beer. Rest of the evening we spent there chit-chatting with them. Later we came to our room and after chit-chatting for some time, dinner were served. Post dinner it started raining heavily. Later on Mr. Sherpa came up to take his daughter and son who were also there. When I asked “Why Palzor Homestay?” he pointed towards his son and said “He’s Palzor, this is in his name”.

11th October : Day 4 : Zuluk (Dzuluk) – Nathang (Gnathang)
I woke up in the morning once to check the weather but was able to barely anything due to huge clouds. Later after having our breakfast, we went to check the nearby Shiva Temple. Arpan arrived at around 9 AM and informed us that if the weather is like this only, we won’t be able to see anything from Thambi View Point. One can view the whole Zigzag road from Thambi View Point on a clear day. So he asked us to get ready and that we’d go to Thambi View Point and wait for the weather to get clear instead of staying here in the rooms. It seemed reasonable to us. So we quickly got ready and started around 9:30 AM for our today’s destination Nathang (Gnathang).


Silk Route - Zuluk

Silk Route - Zuluk

Silk Route - Zuluk

It took us 1.5 hours to reach Thambi View Point and as guessed, it was full of clouds and nothing was visible. We felt really bad. Arpan consolidated us by stating that, even he’s much surprised about the weather. It never rains this much in October, but god knows what happened this time. Even after waiting for around 30 minutes, things didn’t changed. We decided to have some Tea and Momo at a nearby shop. Finally loosing our hope, we started to proceed further. After crossing 3 – 4 turns, Arpan stopped and exclaimed, “Sir dekhiye, weather clear ho raha hai” (Sir see, weather is getting cleared). Yes it was getting cleared on the upper portion, but the lower portion was still same, so there was no point in going back. We waited there for sometime and clicked some pictures of what was getting visible.

Silk Route - Thambi View Point

Silk Route - Thambi View Point

Silk Route - Zigzag Road

Silk Route - Zigzag Road

Silk Route - Zigzag Road

We reached Laxman Chowk at around 11:30. We had a stopover for smoke and clicked few pictures.

Silk Route - Laxman Chawk

Arpan informed us that he’d take us to Old Baba Mandir today only, as from Nathang (Gnathang), it’s a different route and sometimes Army doesn’t allows to take that route. It was 11:30 by then, so there’s no point in going to the hotel so early. It took us 30 minutes to drive to Baba Mandir from Laxman Chowk. We already been to New Baba Mandir on our last Trip to Gangtok and North Sikkim on our way to Nathulla. But the original one always have it’s own charm.

Finally we reached Nathang (Gnathang) at around 1:10 AM. Noticing us, Miss Nima Sherpa, younger sister of Miss Pema Sherpa, came forward and welcomed us warmly. She arranged our rooms at Drafter Bunglow. Though our booking was in Phinasa Lodge, but I called up Miss Pema from Kolkata, to make me stay in Drafter Bunglow only. Both the property belongs to her. We went ahead towards the valley, but were called for Lunch soon. Miss Pema Sherpa came up, and served us lunch. It was around 10 degree out there as displayed in the digital clock.

Silk Route - Gnathang Valley

Silk Route - Gnathang Valley

Silk Route - Gnathang Valley

Post lunch we were thinking of exploring the Valley and walk up to the distant Monastery that was barely visible, but out of our luck, it started raining heavily. So we decided to take it up in the afternoon hoping the rain would stop by then. The temperature dropped severely and we couldn’t restrain ourselves getting under the blanket. When we woke up, it was evening by then, and we noticed it was still raining. Soon we were served Tea and some pop-corns.

We had plans to visit Sunrise Point in Lungthung tomorrow, but we were really worried now, that if it keeps raining like this, then the most important part of our tour would be a miss. All the sightseeing like Sunrise Point, Kupup, Memencho Lake were planned for tomorrow while going towards Gangtok. We were literally praying to god to stop this rain. But the time passed by and things seemed to got worse. The rain was catching it strength and due to the same temperature was getting dropped severely. Last when we checked in the digital clock it read 8 degree centigrade.

Silk Route - Way To Zuluk

Silk Route - Way To Zuluk

We noticed them providing wooden logs to another family staying beside our room. I went ahead to ask for the same, but they informed that it’d cost Rs. 600/- for the same. Though the price seemed to be reasonable, but then we thought, it was already 7 by then and here as per the norm, they would be serving us dinner by 8:30 and then we can anyway hit the bed. If god is with us, we have to woke up at 4 AM anyway for the sunrise. We spent some time chit-chatting among ourselves and the dinner was served in the room at around 8:30 PM. At around 9 we took our dinner and hit the bed.

12th October : Day 5 : Nathang (Gnathang) – Gangtok
We woke up at around 3:30 AM just to see that it was raining like hell. It was literally storming outside. We stayed awake till 4 o’ clock, and then we loosed hope and went to bed. Later on we woke up at around 7:00 AM. Suparna, Akash and my mom was having breathing problem due to the thin layer of oxygen. Though we were aware of such in Nathang (Gnathang), and thus we were carrying camphor and pop-corn. Miss Nima came up in the morning to know our whereabouts. She informed that due to this bad rain, the oxygen have dropped severely and thus we were having such problem.

We all caught headache due to low oxygen and thus we were literally searching Arpan. But we found him nowhere. Later Miss Nima informed us that, he had to keep his vehicle in the valley due to the police and thus his car might have frost throughout the night. So he might have got there to defrost the same and bring it here. It might take time to start the car due to such situation last night. Though we were served breakfast, but we denied, as we were not feeling well because of the headache. Mom was having more problem specifically.

Silk Route - Nathang Valley

Silk Route - Nathang Valley

Silk Route - Nathang Valley

Finally Arpan arrived at around 9 o’ clock. He literally looked like, he just came up taking a dip in a lake or river. He smilingly said “Gari lane gaya tha, pura forst ho gaya tha” (Went to bring the car, it was full frosted). We immediately left the room and asked him to change first. But he choose to load the luggage instead otherwise there’s no point in changing. We offered him a umbrella but he said “pura to bhig gaya, kya fayda” (I’m all wet, what’s the point in taking the umbrella). We helped him loading the luggage as quickly as possible and then he went on to change.

After he was done with breakfast, we started at around 9:20 AM. Today our plan was to do the sightseeing and then reach Gangtok. We felt really bad about missing everything, as most of the things were planned for today only. What we felt more bad is the rain didn’t stopped for a single second since last afternoon. But what can be done, as they say “Weather is highly unpredictable in hills”. He showed us Tukla Valley and said on a clear weather one can view Jelep La Pass which used to connect Lhasa in Tibet.

Silk Route - Nathang Valley

Silk Route - Nathang Valley

Silk Route - Nathang Valley

The name Silk Route came from, this route was used to trade silk from Lhasa in Tibet. But after the China taking it over, the Jelep La Pass have been sealed. During that time most of the people who came here in order to do business to make a living had to suffer a lot due to such discrepancy. But mother nature understood their pain and offered her beauty in this region due to which tourism industry was flourished. It was then, these people started homestay business throughout Silk Route in order to make their living.

Arpan stopped at Kupup, but due to heavy rain we couldn’t went out and clicked some pictures on mobile only and started proceeding further. On our way he showed us Memencho Lake. One need to walk down the road to reach the Memencho Lake. Our next stop was New Baba Mandir, which we already have been to. But Suparna wanted to visit it badly, but again due to the rain, we had to give it up. I tried arranging the permits to Nathulla by calling up various agents, but couldn’t manage it. As permits to Nathulla are needed to be submitted 1 day in advance and it’s issued from Gangtok only. It’s very rare to collate it with another driver who would be coming up from Gangtok towards Nathang (Gnathang). Also the permit includes the permit of vehicle too, so one have to use the same vehicle to take the detour to Nathulla, so one have to get down at the junction from their vehicle and go to Nathulla in the vehicle coming from Gangtok. So it needs to match the time in between the vehicles as well as loss of money, due to hiring two vehicles for same point of time.

Silk Route - Kupup Lake

Silk Route - Tsongmo Lake

Silk Route - Tsongmo Lake

Silk Route - Tsongmo Lake

Finally we crossed Tsongmo Lake (often referred to as Changu Lake) at around 12:40 and reached Gangtok within 12:40. Arpan dropped us at Vajra Stand (Tsongmo Lake taxi stand). Today was our last day with Arpan, from tomorrow onwards my old and trusted friend, Gopi, would be driving us throughout the remaining South & West Sikkim leg.

Silk Route - Arpan


We were very upset about the day, as most of the things were planned for today and we had to give each and everyone of them a miss due to bad weather. As I finish writing and reviewing this log, 5th November 2:00 AM in the midnight, it’s still raining outside. It might be a co-incidence or am I still feeling the rains of Silk Route are still following me?

The next leg of the Trip Report is continued at Wandering Through Namchi – Ravangla – Yuksom

Few Points To Remember :

  • The Key destinations along Silk Route i.e. Zuluk (Dzuluk) to Nathang (Gnathang) is a restricted area, so one needs Restricted Area Permit (RAP) for visiting these areas. The permits are issued from Rongli and/or Gangtok.
  • The driver or the tour operator can arrange the permit. One can do on their own, if they have good relations with authorized tour operators in Sikkim, as to apply for the permit, one need the official letterhead of tour operator.
  • Shared cabs are not available in this region. So hiring a exclusive vehicle is mandatory. A small group can join with another group to divide the cost.
  • Throughout the Silk Route, there are only homestays, with basic infrastructure and amenities but clean with warm hospitality. So please keep your expectations limited. They will anyway go beyond to satisfy you. So as a guest you too should do co-operation from your end as well
  • The rates for homestays are charged as per person, which includes fooding and lodging (twin or triple sharing).
  • The meal is a set meal, for e.g. at Breakfast it’s Puri Sabji / Maggi / Wai Wai, at Lunch it’s Rice, Dal, Sabji and Egg Curry, in the Evening it’ll include Tea & some Snacks and at dinner it’ll be Rice / Roti, Dal, Sabji and Chicken Curry. It includes Bed Tea in the morning as well.
  • Generally the meal timings are fixed. Sometimes they deviate a bit on request, but not much, due to their lifestyle. So please co-operate and don’t think you can have your dinner there are 10 PM or 11 PM.

Homestays :

Prakriti Eco Retreat, Reshikhola : We really enjoyed the clean and cozy atmosphere staying beside the river hearing the chirping sound of the Reshi River. Mr. Chumbey Bhutia, belongs from Pedong, is a very jovial person and being a traveler himself can just make your day!! I’d surely love to go on a bike trip with him sometime.

Heaven Valley Homestay, Mankhim : I think this one is the best out of 3 homestay’s in Mankhim. Mr. Robin Rai with his family runs this business. We were allotted the front most cottage belonging to his brother Mr. Bimal Rai. The whole family is very friendly and we loved being their guest enjoying the serene beauty of our mother nature.

Heaven Valley Homestay - Mankhim

Heaven Valley Homestay - Mankhim

Palzor Homestay, Zuluk : Mr. Sherpa Passang, the owner of this property, named after his son Palzor, is a very witty person. He’s always out there running after guests to fulfill their needs. One can expect a very warm hospitality staying here.

Palzor Homestay - Zuluk

Palzor Homestay - Zuluk

Drafter Bunglow, Gnathang : Miss Pema Sherpa and her sister Miss Nima Sherpa runs this property along with Pinasha Lodge. Both of them are always smiling and there always for your help. The rooms we got felt like we were in a 5* property. The washrooms though is not connected with water source always. Thus you find the cistern missing!! They will provide you enough bucket of water. But the washroom is equipped with taps, so once you run out of water, just inform them, they will connect it with the water source for you to fill up the buckets. Being situated at 13,500 ft. above sea level, some people may face issue due to thin layer of oxygen in the air, so carry camphor and pop-corn to cope up on such situations.

Drafter Bunglow - Gnathang

Drafter Bunglow - Gnathang

Drafter Bunglow - Gnathang

Contacts :

Sillery Gaon :
Nirmala Homestay, Dilip Tamang : +91-96350-05318

Icche Gaon :
Icchegaon Homestay : Dilip Kumar Khawas : +91-86702-42128, +91-79069-26652, +91-81167-60140, +91-89722-87740

Reshikhola :
Prakriti Eco Retreat, Chumbey Bhutia : +91-99322-61029
Reshi Eco Tourism, Sebastian Pradhan : +91-99327-44407, +91-99326-80170 / Pranita Pradhan : +91-90027-74220
Reshi River Camp, Birbal Tamang : +91-86700-56992

Aritar :
Lampokhari Village Resort, Poonam : +91-97348-43981, +91-95939-72711

Mankhim :
Heaven Valley Homestay, Robin Rai : +91-96478-57292, +91-76025-70527, +91-97335-11349
Shanti Kunja, Santosh Gurung : +91-97330-31792, +91-97759-94734
Kanchanjungha Mirror, Lalit Rai : +91-97759-15047, +91-78649-01715

Nimachen :
Silk Route Eco Hut Homestay : +91-99335-19398, +91-94762-93991, +91-83718-88778
Blue Sky : +91-98002-00685, +91-99329-68835

Phadamchen :
Kenjola Homestay : +91-99324-34965, +91-76795-80310
Lama Khang : +91-99334-71202, +91-97754-97707, +91-89000-83678
Laden Homestay : +91-97759-26554, +91-70630-85391
Doma Residence : +91-98304-07707, +91-90518-77727

Zuluk :
Palzor Homestay / Himalay Homestay, Sherpa Passang : +91-97341-50546, +91-97331-88456
Dil Maya Retreat, Gopal Pradhan : +91-96098-60266
Snowlion Homestay, Chundu Bhutia : +91-81018-27279
Denzong Homestay, Lobzang Bhutia : +91-74072-62795
Lali Guras Homestay, Mr. Mukhia : +91-95937-76585
Dew Drop Homestay, Pempa Tawang : +91-98002-54911
Yangchen Homestay, Chankey Pradhan : +91-90024-41173
New Lite Homestay, Norbu Tawang : +91-96478-88596 / +91-81599-49313
Ganga Sagar Homestay, Meena Sunuwar : +91-97758-47283
Mama Homestay, Nima Gyalpo Tamang : +91-95648-81734
Angel Homestay, Dawa Gyalpo Tamang : +91-96098-72995
Semi Rose Homestay, Som Bhadra Tamang : +91-96352-30768
Jennifer Homestay, Tshering Tamang : +91-95933-73804
Tibetian Villa, Namgyal Tamang : +91-98320-43666
Mukhia Homestay, Suk Bhadra Sunuwar : +91-95937-78166
Hidden Paradise, Durga Pradhan : +91-78728-83264
Sojourn Homestay, Palmu Tamang : +91-78728-93216
Niten Homestay, Parang Tamang : +91-95935-83838

Lungthung / Dhupidhara :
Lungthung Real Estate, Chindu Bhutia / Thandup Bhutia : +91-98004-12703 / +91-85091-23192 / 03592-290110
Lungthung Eco Retreat, Lakpa Bhutia : +91-96478-50075
Hilltop Homestay, Chuna Bhutia : +91-95933-79387

Gnathang :
Drafter Bunglow / Phinasa Lodge : +91-94741-45958 / +91-94746-48767
Kazi Homestay, Kazi Sherpa : +91-94754-40763
Pem Diki Homestay, Pempa Sherpa : +91-94746-00660
Lhamu Homestay, Lhamu Sherpa : +91-94743-32385
Sonam Homestay, Chokpa Sherpa : +91-94746-63082
Phintsok Homestay, Thandup Bhutia : +91-94754-39292
Sunset Homestay, Kharka Pradhan : +91-94750-31455

NOTE : All the above contacts can book other homestay’s if their one is already full or even they can book any of the homestays throughout Silk Route as a package.

Arpan (Scorpio – SK 01J 0084) : +91-81454-23829. He drives a Scorpio, and a very good jolly person as well as good driver.

Mohan Ji (Arpan’s Agency) : +91-98325-66772 / +91-94749-08656. He can arrange car throughout Silk Route.

The whole package was booked from :
Dipankar Da (North East Travels) : +91-89722-47306 / +91-94745-94446. Email :

A Word of Caution : Anyone planning for Silk Route, please remember, that throughout the destinations along Silk Route, there are no hotels. All of them being homestays offers very basic infrastructure. The package generally includes fooding and lodging, where they generally provide Puri Saji / Maggi / Wai Wai in Breakfast, Rice, Dal, Sabji & Egg Curry in Lunch, Tea and Pakoda as Snacks in the evening and Rice / Roti, Dal, Sabji and Chicken Curry in Dinner. Most of the meals are served in time and dinner time is around 8:30 – 9:00. They go to sleep by 9:30 – 10:00, as they have to wake up at 4:30 – 5:00 PM. So there’s no point in requesting for late dinner. So please make sure to adjust as necessary. All the destinations are within the lap of our mother nature, so while being there, please maintain the tranquility of hill life.

I thought of posting the above in bold, as throughout my journey, I experienced such scenarios where hosts have to face a lot of problem because of few such guests.

Cost :
Porter Charges at Reshikhola : Rs. 400/-
Lampokhari Lake Entry & Parking : 60/- (Rs. 10/- per head) + 20-/- = 80/-
Lampokhari Boating : Rs. 200/- for 30 minutes
Permit at Rongli : Rs. 200/-
Wildlife Entry + Camera Fee : Rs 560/-

I have removed the personal cost like buying souvenirs, liquors or any other cost of personal nature etc. for your easy reference.

Fooding & Lodging : Rs 850/- per head per day x 6 (persons) x 4 (days) = 20,400/-
Car : 3500/- per day x 5 (days) = 17500/-

Even though we couldn’t go for the Sunrise, but as discussed, it’d have cost extra Rs. 1000/- from Gnathang and Rs. 1500/- from Zuluk.

About Author

Hi, I'm born and bought up in Kolkata in the midst of what bongs are best known for - Eating, Sleeping and Travelling. A developer by profession and a traveller by passion. As I was facing a lack of budget-friendly information on the internet while planning my travel, I started drafting my travel experiences here to help you all having a pocket-friendly smooth travel experience.


  • Anonymous
    November 6, 2016 at 12:58 PM


  • Sudheer
    November 6, 2016 at 6:39 PM

    Excellent Bro ……

  • Debasish datta
    November 7, 2016 at 3:16 PM

    Amazing write up Krishnandu…..I am slowly becoming your fan on Tripadvisor !!!! Do drop me a mail at my email id and we can then exchange phone numbers etc.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      November 7, 2016 at 3:22 PM

      Hi Debasish, Thank you for such kind words!! I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

  • […] Though I have been to Ravangla before, for a touch & go sightseeing while going from Pelling to Borong on our last trip to South & West Sikkim. But I never thought I’d be coming here again, and that also for a night halt. I was completely un-aware about what Ravangla has to offer and I would have not ever known, if I wouldn’t have stayed here, or should I say if Dipankar Da didn’t insisted us on staying at Ravangla? We already had plans to explore Namchi too on our last visit to South & West Sikkim, but as one of our friends fell sick We couldn’t materialize it. This Trip Report is a continuation from Trip To Old Silk Route – Zuluk – East Sikkim […]

  • Akash Kumar das
    November 20, 2016 at 8:45 PM

    Bah!! Darun hoyeche!!

  • […] is the full itinerary again for your reference… Day 1 : NJP – Reshikhola Day 2 : Reshikhola – Mankhim Day 3 : Mankhim – Zuluk (Dzu… Day 6 : Gangtok – Ravangla via Namchi Day 7 : Ravangla – Yuksom via Tashiding Day 8 : […]

  • Animesh Das
    November 23, 2016 at 10:53 PM

    Amazing TravelBlog and to the point information for anyone want to travel on that route.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      November 23, 2016 at 11:07 PM

      Hi Animesh, Thanks a lot and I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

      • Animesh Das
        November 24, 2016 at 1:06 PM

        I will be travelling to Silk Route this December. Want to talk to you before leaving. Possible?

        • Krishnandu Sarkar
          November 24, 2016 at 1:40 PM

          Hi Animesh, Sure. I’ll email you my contact number 🙂

  • Shubhi Jain
    December 8, 2016 at 3:25 PM

    I loved the bridge photograph.. but it looks risky to cross river 🙂

  • […] took up the 4 bedded one. We were called for dinner shortly. Same as like homestay’s across Silk Route, we were served Rice, Dal, Sabji and Egg Curry. The preparation was awesome and as we were heavily […]

    December 26, 2016 at 11:20 AM

    very informative blog

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      December 26, 2016 at 12:25 PM

      Thank You Sajal 🙂

      I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

    January 2, 2017 at 7:00 PM

    I love the guidance that you provide on silk route.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      January 2, 2017 at 7:01 PM

      Thank You 🙂

      I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

    January 3, 2017 at 9:51 PM

    Hi what a nice travelogue , was directed from IM to your own blog. Nice effort brother. I wanted to ask , as you have covered lot of sikkim , can old silk route , east and north sikkim be done in shared sumo , can you share a standard itineray for 8-9 days from NJP To njp. will be great help. Cheers.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      January 3, 2017 at 10:49 PM

      Hi Himadri, Thanks a lot and I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

      Well Old Silk Route cannot be done in shared cab. You must hire exclusive vehicle for that route. East Sikkim is Old Silk Route only and some other areas contains Tsongmo Lake, Baba Mandir & Nathulla Pass. That can be done using Shared Vehicle. But if you are coming from Gangtok to Old Silk Route, it’ll go through those areas, so hiring single Exclusive Vehicle makes sense there.

      North Sikkim can be done in shared vehicle.

      Day 1 : NJP – Gangtok
      Day 2 : Gangtok – Lachen
      Day 3 : Lachen – Gurudongmar – Lachung
      Day 4 : Lachung – Yumthang – Zero Point – Gangtok
      Day 5 : Gangtok – Gnathang via Tsongmo Lake, Baba Mandir & Nathulla Pass
      Day 6 : Gnathang – Zuluk
      Day 7 : Zuluk – Mankhim
      Day 8 : Manhkim – Reshikhola / Sillery Gaon / Icche Gaon
      Day 9 : Reshikhola / Sillery Gaon / Icche Gaon – NJP

      Choose Reshikhola, if you are not travelling with Kid / Senior Citizens. As one needs to walk a bit crossing the river over the pool to reach the homestays. If you are travelling with Kids / Senior Citizens consider staying at either Sillery Gaon / Icche Gaon whichever feels good to you 🙂

      Let me know if you have further questions. I’ll be glad to help you out 🙂

  • Santanu Biswas
    January 8, 2017 at 9:04 PM

    Sarkar Da
    Thanks for sharing such elaborate and informative travelogue. Dada I am planning for silk route trip in last week of march ( 26th March) with family + 2 kids ( 11 & 7 ). As recommended most of the traveler I had contact Shri Dilip Tamang, Sillery Gaon and he suggest my plan in this order. Nirmal Homestay @ Sillery Gaon – Santikung @ Mankim – Silkroute Repeat @ Lingtam – Angel Homestay @ Zuluk – Tempa Homestay @ Ganthang.
    Any idea about these homestay ? Except Santi kung I have not found any reference in travelogue.
    Any suggestion / change in plane pl guide. We prefer comfortable trip journey.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      January 8, 2017 at 11:25 PM

      Well the destinations suggested by Mr. Dilip Tamang are great and the plan is perfectly fine. But yes, unfortunately, I have no idea about any other homestays except Nirmala Homestay at Sillery Gaon and Shantikunj at Mankhim.

  • Sibsankar Jana
    February 28, 2017 at 3:05 PM

    Myself Sibsankar, my wife and my daughter (13yrs) have planned:
    Day 1: Gantok to Gnathang valley via Changu lake
    Day 2: Gnathang to Padmachen via Zuluk
    Day 3: Padmachen to Malbazar
    We talked to Drafter Bungalow, Kenjol Homestay.
    Is this tour possible?
    Where to book car?
    Are 2 permits required for Changu and Gnathang?

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      February 28, 2017 at 9:50 PM

      Hi Sibsankar,
      Yes the itinerary is perfectly fine. Yes 2 different permits is required, which the tour operator will arrange.

      You may contact Dipankar Da (North East Travels) : +91-89722-47306 / +91-94745-94446 for car.

  • Syed M Alam
    March 26, 2017 at 12:23 PM

    Excellent and detailed description of the historic Silk Rout travel. It’s just not a travelog, rather a useful guide book to the future travellers. So, thanks doesn’t seem to be enough to complement your writing.
    By the way, is it possible to cover the said Silk Route in a personal SUV? Where to get the permit and whom to approach? Your valuable suggestion will be highly appreciated. Regards and best wishes for your future travels.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      March 26, 2017 at 12:40 PM

      Hi Syed M Alam, Thanks a lot for your appreciation:) I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

      Yes one needs to hire personal vehicle only to travel in Silk Route. You can contact the same driver I travelled with, Arpan and take my reference 🙂

      Permits cannot be arranged on your own. The driver will help you with the permits.

      • Syed m alam
        March 26, 2017 at 6:42 PM

        I would like to thank you very much for your prompt response. (Y) But I was wondering if by any chance I can drive my SUV till Zuluk and further. Because, I’ve heard in the team-bhp forum about many people having endeavored in different Himalayan roads with their four-wheeler, before too. So, is it possible to get the clearance for my SUV from Sikkim tourism department? Hope, I haven’t placed an irrelevant query..! 🙂

        • Krishnandu Sarkar
          March 27, 2017 at 10:43 AM

          Hi Syed m alam, Yes you can. But you need to go to a tour operator to arrange your permits. There’s some strange things with permits in Sikkim. Permits can only be applied by authorized tour operator on their registered letter head. So a tour operator can help you with getting the permits.

          But I think, you can also approach the Permit Office at Rongli yourself to check the procedure. If you can do it on your own then it’s great else, just go to a tour operator and they will be able to help you out.

          Also, please keep one full day for these activities, as running after govt. officials can take a whole day.

          • SYEd
            March 27, 2017 at 5:51 PM

            That’s great…! ? I’ll follow your instructions religiously…! ? Again, a heartfelt thanks to you for your precious information.
            By the way, I may follow your footsteps as far as the itinerary is concerned. You have made it a lot easier for people like me who are confused while chalking out a tour plan.

  • Saheli Desai
    April 17, 2017 at 1:23 PM

    Hi Krishnandu da,
    Its a wonderful experienece for me while I’m going through ur blog.Its really help me a lot to understand Silkroute. I’m planning to visit in this year puja and from ur guidence I got to know each and every details,Thank u so much.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      April 17, 2017 at 2:05 PM

      Hi Saheli, Thanks a lot 🙂 I’m glad that it helped you 🙂

    May 12, 2017 at 5:03 PM

    Amra (15 heads) nov’17 3 night 4 days silk route er Sillery, Rishi Khola, Zuluk korar iccha ache, ekta programme kore deben

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      May 12, 2017 at 7:00 PM

      Hi Pulak, You may do it like..

      Day 1 : NJP – Sillery Gaon
      Day 2 : Sillery Gaon – Zuluk
      Day 3 : Zuluk – Gnathang – Reshi Khola
      Day 4 : Reshikhola – NJP

  • Anonymous
    May 13, 2017 at 5:05 PM


  • Saheli Desai
    May 17, 2017 at 1:00 PM

    HI Krishnendu Da,
    This is Saheli once again, as I told u earlier that I’m planning to visit silk route this year puja time and I have already booked from Nature Wings,can u plz guide me about the tempareture ?I’m going on 27th Sep and will return back on 2nd Oct Via Padatik.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      May 17, 2017 at 1:27 PM

      Hi Saheli, Temperatures would be mild at lower altitude destinations such as Sillery Gaon, Icchey Gaon, Reshikhola, Aritar, Mankhim etc. But strong cold wind would be a factor. You may expect it to be around 10 – 20 Deg C. But at high altitude destinations such as Zuluk, Gnathang, Kupup etc. it’d be colder around 5 – 10 Deg C. Overall proper winter garments would be necessary.

      Also, that time being the end of monsoon, you may face light drizzling or some occasional rains for some time of the day which should not affect your trip much. So carrying rain gears like Raincoats / Umbrella is recommended.

      • Saheli Desai
        September 4, 2017 at 6:21 PM

        Dear Krisnandu da,
        Hope you are doing well, I spoke to u earlier regarding our upcoming tour to Silk Route, but due to unpredictable situation of North Bengal our total tour plan is in a dilemma, So we shifted hour plan from Sillery Gaon to Mankim and Reshikhola to Rangpo khola, Now the thing is that Travel Planner has suggested us to reach there via Rangpo. Can u plz suggest me .. can we able to avoid Kalingpong or most of the roads of WB if we take the suggested rout?

        • Krishnandu Sarkar
          September 4, 2017 at 8:19 PM

          Hi Saheli, Yes I’m fine and wish you are doing well too 🙂

          You have done the right thing shifting your destinations from WB ones to Sikkim ones. That’s what most tourists are doing who have plans for Silk Route.

          But yes one still needs to travel through Kalimpong and other regions of North Bengal. So that can’t be avoided. But don’t worry that should not be an issue at all 🙂

  • harsh gandhi
    May 26, 2017 at 9:58 PM

    superb writing and information…..well done i hope my query gets resolved

    having 2 routes in my mid and dont know they are correct serially and i have also booled 5 nights for gangtok which cannot be changed,have 2 kinds of 4 and 5 years travelling and 2 couple wanted to do zuluk iff possible with children,heres the route
    route 1
    gangtok 5 nights
    ravangla 1 night
    zuluk 2 nights
    aritar 1 night
    darjeling 3 nights
    kalimpong 2 nights

    or route 2

    gangtok 5 nights
    ravangla via naamchi 2 nights
    pelling 2 nights
    darjeling 3 nights
    kalimpong 2 nights

    please suggest as dont have much idea.

    thanks and keep doing your good work

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      May 26, 2017 at 10:14 PM

      Hi Harsh, I think I replied to your same query in Trip Advisor Forums!! Anyway Thank a lot and I’m glad that you liked it.

      Well unfortunately your both the plans are not in correct order. Here’s them again..

      1st Plan : Darjeeling > Kalimpong > Aritar > Zuluk > Gangtok > Ravangla
      2nd Plan : Darjeeling > Kalimpong > Zuluk > Gangtok > Ravangla > Pelling > Namchi

      Let me know how many days you have and the age of the persons you’d be travelling with along with your destination interests.

      From your query, it seems you already have hotel bookings at any destinations. Let me know the journey and booking dates as well in that case. I can then suggest you something.

      But if you are already done with hapzot bookings and can’t cancel, I’m afraid, I won’t be able to modify much.

      • harsh gandhi
        May 26, 2017 at 11:01 PM

        thank you fir your instant reply………..yes m caught in a soup as have a hotel booking at gangtok on 19th oct to 24 th oct as i dont plan lachen and lachung……retun flight is on 2nd of november and rest is to be planned

        actual plan was

        gangtok 5 night
        ravangla 1 night
        pelling 2 nights
        darjeling 3 nights
        kalimpong 2nights

        can still fit one night some where eelse… have 14 of them

        2 couples and 2 child(one of four years and one of 5 years) are travelling

        now how can i get in zuluk??help me sort this out……..


        • Krishnandu Sarkar
          May 27, 2017 at 12:10 AM

          Well frankly speaking, there’s nothing do in Gangtok for 5 nights. Anyway to do Zuluk you have to do it like…

          Gangtok > Zuluk > Aritar / Mankhim > Reshikhola / Sillery Gaon / Icchey Gaon > Kalimpong > Darjeeling.

          But can’t fit Pelling and Ravangla there as the route is different. If you can cancel few nights at Gangtok then I can modify the plan accordingly.

          • harsh gandhi
            May 31, 2017 at 9:27 PM

            thanks bro…..

            i think we can do ravangla and namchi from gangtotk and return to gangtok on day?

            and is pelling worth missing for zuluk and mankhim ?

            • Krishnandu Sarkar
              June 1, 2017 at 10:56 AM

              Hi Harsh, Yes you can do that, but it’d be a little bit hectic. Regarding Pelling, see every destination has it’s own charm. So going by that way, nothing is worth missing.

              Pelling is more of a small town with Kanchenjungha views. Whereas Mankhim and Zuluk are pristine remote destinations with great scenic beauty.

              What’s your itinerary though? It’s confusing to suggest anything without a itinerary.

  • Rajib dutta
    June 9, 2017 at 7:49 AM

    I want to go East sikkim. we are 6 people. Our interest are Rishikhola, Aritar/Mankhim/Padhamchen, Zuluk, Gnathang Valley.
    We want to go in November 2017.
    Now plz suggest me the best itinerary for 4N5D.
    Should I speak with Dipankar da( From your blog) for the whole arrangement or is it better to book homestay and car seperately from homestay owner.
    Can I get snow during november in zuluk and gnathang valley???
    How many days before should I book for the tour for november???
    Waiting for your suggestion….
    Thanks in advance…

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      June 9, 2017 at 10:54 AM

      Hi Rajib, For 4N/5D you may do it like..

      Day 1 : NJP – Reshikhola
      Day 2 : Reshikhola – Zuluk
      Day 3 : Zuluk – Gnathang
      Day 4 : Gnathang – Mankhim
      Day 5 : Mankhim – NJP

      I don’t think there’d any snow in November in Zuluk and Gnathang Valley but it depends on the weather which is highly unpredictable.

      When do you want to make this trip? Beginning or End of Nov? As Puja booking have already started getting full you may book it by July.

      Well that’s upto you. If you don’t want the headache of calling each of the homestays and transferring advance to them you may call Mr. Dipankar, he’ll handle everything. Otherwise, I have listed down all the contact details, you may call them up one by one and can book things on your own.

      PS : A small suggestion from my side would be to go ahead with Tour Operator for Silk Route. Because
      1. The regions being very remote, most of the time it requires patience to call them up and book things on your own
      2. In case at last moment if your drivers cancels the trip because he got some better paying tourists then it’d be an hassle to manage things on your own
      3. By booking things on your own, you doesn’t save much. Hardly it’d be Rs. 400 – Rs. 500 per person for the whole tour. But with that small amount you get a peace of mind.
      4. I wouldn’t have said the same for Gangtok and other region, but communicating with homestays at Zuluk and Gnathang requires a lot of patience as most of the time they are out of service area. Thus collaborating with them regarding the transfers is a daunting task.

      With all the contact details available in this post, it’s now up to you to decide 🙂

    • Rajib
      June 12, 2017 at 8:37 AM

      Thanks dada…
      Can u tell me which time is better in november to get snow at Dzuluk and Gnathang valley?
      Is it better to go in November or December?
      and i will call Dipankar da for all arrangement. plz tell me the approx cost for 6 person.

      • Krishnandu Sarkar
        June 12, 2017 at 10:34 AM

        Hi Rajib, For snow December would be better.

        Cost for Silk Route mostly have fixed structure.
        1. Homestays costs around Rs. 800/- – Rs. 900/- per person per day including fooding and lodging
        2. Vehicle costs around Rs. 3300/- – Rs. 3500/- per day including driver’s TA/DA, fuel and everything else
        3. For permits you may need to pay around Rs. 200/- (total) at Rongli.
        4. Entry permit for Wildlife while approaching Zuluk is around Rs. 55/- per person and some charges for Cameras. Kids and Students have discounts.

    October 13, 2017 at 11:42 AM

    Me ,with my mom and wife want to visit ichhe gaon,sillery gaon during 23rd jan-26 jan . As we are a group of only 3 persons,taxi can’t be shared to visit lava/rishop and nearby sightseen view points of sillery gaon.

    If anyone of group 3-4 persons are planning to visit this time please send me email if interested to share taxi fare for sightseen.

  • bidesh
    November 6, 2017 at 3:53 PM

    Thank u very much for ypur blog. I want to go East sikkim. we are 8 people and two children. What will be better 4N 5D or 5N 6D ? We want to go April 2018.plz suggest me the best itinerary for 4N5D or 5N6D? Can get snow there? My uncle is 75 years old, can he travel this places?

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      November 6, 2017 at 7:29 PM

      Hi Bidesh, Thanks a lot and I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

      Well that’s the age of children? With 75 year old, you can do this trip, but it’s not recommended to stay at Gnathang which is situated at 13k+ altitude. But if he have any known medical issues with blood pressure and heart condition, then better consult a doctor beforehand.

      With 4N/5D you may do it like…
      Day 1 : NJP / IXB – Ramdhura / Icchey Gaon
      Day 2 : Ramdhura / Icchey Gaon – Aritar / Mankhim
      Day 3 : Aritar / Mankhim – Zuluk
      Day 4 : Sunrise Trip. Zuluk – Gnathang – Gangtok
      Day 5 : Gangtok – NJP / IXB

      With 5N/6D you may do it like…
      Day 1 : NJP / IXB – Ramdhura / Icchey Gaon
      Day 2 : Ramdhura / Icchey Gaon – Aritar / Mankhim
      Day 3 : Aritar / Mankhim – Zuluk
      Day 4 : Day Trip To Gnathang and around.
      Day 5 : Zuluk – Doban / Rolep
      Day 6 : Doban / Rolep – NJP / IXB

      Hope that helps 🙂

      • Bidesh
        November 6, 2017 at 7:43 PM

        Thank u very much for your reply. Children age are 5 years and 3 years. Can I get snow there in April month? And my uncle is a doctor (75 years) so I inform him about altitude of ganthang valley. Thank u again.

        • Krishnandu Sarkar
          November 6, 2017 at 7:56 PM

          Hi Bidesh, Well it cannot be guaranteed but yes chances are there if you can hop in by beginning of April. Same suggestion goes for the Children too (specially with 3 year old). Just don’t stay at Gnathang you’ll be fine.

          • Bidesh
            November 6, 2017 at 8:00 PM

            Thank u very much.

      • Bidesh
        January 1, 2018 at 9:31 AM

        DAY-1:-   Meet & after breakfast start From NJP – Drive For Ramdhura. Overnight stay at hotel Ramdhura.

        DAY-2:- After breakfast check out from hotel, via on route sightseeing transfer to Mankhim.
        Sightseeing Aritar lake and Monastery.

        DAY-3:- After breakfast check out from hotel & transfer to Zuluk, Reach Zuluk

        DAY-4:-  After Breakfast Start For Sight Seeing At 08:00 am Covering Zig Zag Road, Ganek, Thambi View Point. Then Proceed For The SilkRoute Trail And Enjoy The Beauty Laxmi Chowk, Gnathang Valley, Tukla Valley, Kalapokhari, Old Baba Mandir, Jelep-La Pass View And Reach Kupup 13,900ft. Lake At Kupup, See The World’s Highest Golf Course, The Ice Hockey Ground. Back To Hotel and Night Stay to Padamchen .

         Day-5:-  After breakfast transfer to Rishikhola sightseeing. stay at Rishikhola.

        Day-6:- After breakfast proceed to NJP

        My fired want to stay at Rishikhola so we changes it…. what do u think plan is ok?
        Happy new year…2018

        • Krishnandu Sarkar
          January 3, 2018 at 11:05 PM

          Hi Bidesh, Happy New Year 🙂

          Yes the itinerary is perfectly fine. However Day 4 would be a bit long, but can be easily fitted in if you guys can travel 🙂

  • bidesh
    November 10, 2017 at 12:36 PM

    thank you, you write dont stay at gnathang for 3 years old child. Is it means overnight stay or skip the places? Then what will be best plan for us?

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      November 10, 2017 at 8:21 PM

      You can visit the places, but don’t halt at night with such young kid.

      • bidesh
        November 11, 2017 at 9:09 AM

        thank you very much.

        • Krishnandu Sarkar
          November 11, 2017 at 12:21 PM

          You are welcome!! Enjoy your holiday 🙂

          • Dipen
            March 28, 2018 at 5:12 PM

            Is this would be fine for 5 year old kid?

  • Bhaveshkumar desai
    January 18, 2018 at 12:03 PM

    Hi sir,
    Just read your blog on silk route ,it’s very informative .I m planning to visit Sikkim in may first week for 10 days.i am from Gujarat so not so lucky as you are for travel many times.. so this is my first and also last visit .so suggest me itinerary for 10 days , which part is covered. I did some research and want to cover north Sikkim , Gangtok. so which other parts should be covered.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      January 18, 2018 at 9:08 PM

      Hi Mr. Bhavesh, Thank You and I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

      Well to suggest you something, I need to know during which month you are planning this trip for and how many persons and also the age group of travellers.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      January 18, 2018 at 9:11 PM

      Hi Mr. Bhavesh,
      However as you are interested in North Sikkim and Gangtok for 10 days, the itinerary would be like…

      Day 1 : IXB / NJP – Gangtok
      Day 2 : Gangtok – Lachen
      Day 3 : Lachen – Gurudongmar – Lachung
      Day 4 : Lachung – Yumthang – Zero Point – Gangtok
      Day 5 : Gangtok Sightseeing
      Day 6 : Tsomgo Lake – Baba Mandir – Nathula Pass – Gnathang
      Day 7 : Gnathang – Zuluk
      Day 8 : Zuluk – Mankhim
      Day 9 : Mankhim – Sillery Gaon / Reshikhola
      Day 10 : Sillery Gaon / Reshikhola – NJP / IXB

  • Koustav bhowmik
    February 25, 2018 at 10:20 AM

    Krishnendu da, by reading your blog and with the help of dipankar da we had a trip to kolakham, rishyap and charkhol in 2016 with friends and that trip was very successful. we got the number of dipankar da from your blog and he indeed is a great advisor as he is a frequent traveler too. i’m planning for a honeymoon trip covering reshikhola and mankhim on 25th-31st december 2018 holiday duration. and i’ll contact dipankar da too. can you please suggest me some places other than that two? maximum number of night stays will be five excluding the journey nights. as it will be a honeymoon trip i want it a stable journey (even two nights at a single place like reshikhola and mankhim). please suggest me something. and when should i start booking the homestays?

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      February 25, 2018 at 11:57 PM

      Hi Koustav, Check out Doban, Phadamchen and Lungthung. As it’s your honeymoon, and you are a mountain lover, I’d personally recommend Mankhim and Lungthung. Skip Reshikhola instead. That’s my personal suggestion 🙂

      • Koustav
        February 26, 2018 at 12:24 AM

        Thanks for the suggestion dada.. definitely checking these places. One more question, that 25th-31st December time is a holiday season. So when should i contact Dipankar da for the bookings?

        • Krishnandu Sarkar
          March 1, 2018 at 10:06 PM

          Hi Koustav, As XMas – New Year is peak season, I’d suggest you to book around Sep / Oct. As Durga Puja is bit late this year around mid of Oct, most tourists and operators will be busy with Puja bookings till then. So as soon as Durga Puja / Kali Puja (Diwali) gets over, you can proceed with your booking 🙂

  • Pavel Biswas
    March 13, 2018 at 12:42 PM


    You inspired me to follow my dreams of travelling. Thanx a lot for your blog. Already contacted Dipankar da and I am considering this blog as the holy grail to visit East Sikkim.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      March 13, 2018 at 8:48 PM

      Hi Pavel, Thanks a lot and I’m glad that you liked my post 🙂

  • Soumyajit Sarkar
    March 18, 2018 at 10:07 PM

    Hello, this blog helped us too much and thanks a lot for keeping up this strenuous collection of infos. We are 5 in number incl 2 senior citizens, reaching njp on may 25th by Tista Torsa at early morning with a return ticket of 31st may of Tista Torsa. We are planning to cover the silk route within these days. Itll be very helpful if you get some time to make a schedule for us.
    Please mention the perhead expenses, contacts if possible.
    We are also planning to go Pelling and stay there for 1night and do the sightseeing on the next day if possible, going from Gnathang. Please mention if its a good idea and how that could be made possible. Please avoid night stay in Gangtok if possible. Thanks in advance dada, keep up the good work. 🙂

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      March 19, 2018 at 12:14 AM

      Hi Soumyajit, Thanks a lot and I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

      25th : NJP – Mankhim
      26th : Mankhim – Zuluk / Phadhamchen
      27th : Zuluk / Phadamchen – Lungthung / Gnathang
      28th : Lungthung / Gnathang – Gangtok
      29th : Gangtok – Pelling via Ravangla and Namchi
      30th : Pelling Sightseeing
      31st : Pelling – NJP

      You’d need 2N at Pelling to explore the same. Also on 27th you may stay at Lungthung instead of Gnathang, as you have 2 Sr. Citizens with you, who might face a bit breathing issues post evening due to thin layer of Oxygen. But if they are healthy and fit, you may choose to stay at Gnathang too. However Lungthung is the place where you’d anyway drive early morning for sunrise. So staying at Lungthung itself have it’s own benifits.

      Also can’t really avoid night stay at Gangtok, as it’d be a long journey otherwise. Better to halt at Gangtok for a night.

      Well regarding costs, homestays throughout silk route costs around Rs. 800/- – Rs. 1000/- per day per head including fooding and lodging. A private vehicle for throughout the trip would cost around Rs. 3500/- per day for a Sumo / Bolero. Innova / Xylo / Scorpio would be around Rs. 4000/- – Rs. 4200/- per day. Hotels at Gangtok and Pelling starts from Rs. 1500/- onwards.

  • Amit Kr Das Pattanayak
    March 19, 2018 at 10:37 AM

    Hi Krisnendu
    Hope you are fine. your travel blogs are really helpful to us
    we have a plan to visit old silk route on 1st to 7th may, our itinerary as following

    Date Night Stay
    01-May NJP, railway retiring room
    02-May Sillery Gaon
    03-May Zuluk
    04-May Gnathang
    05-May Lungthung
    06-May Ramdhura
    07-May Train

    Please help us about probable weather condition/temperature on that time , home stays, vehicle etc

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      March 19, 2018 at 11:14 PM

      Hi Amit, Thanks a lot and I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

      The itinerary is fine, however I feel Mankhim would be better option instead of Sillery Gaon which have now been more commercialized due to overrated footfalls. But it’s upto you to choose 🙂

      You can expect pleasent weather and clear sky during that period 🙂

      For homestays and vehicle contact details, you can check above. All the homestays I know of, are listed above under Contact Details section.

  • Dipen
    March 28, 2018 at 5:20 PM

    Thanks a lot for this wonderful blog, basically this is complete guide for the silkroot tour.
    I am planning to visit there, have few queries:
    1. Can I book travel package after visiting Zuluk like we can do in Gangtok?
    2. If we night stay at Gnathang in April 10th,2018 with 5 year kid (she has already visited to changu, pelling) is that would be risky?


    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      May 13, 2018 at 9:06 PM

      H Dipen,
      Thanks a lot and I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

      1. There’s no need of any travel packages for Zuluk. But for Silk Route, you need to hire private vehicle, as there’s no shared vehicle for tourists in this route. So if you are visiting during peak season you need to book the vehicle in advance and so are the homestays. Also you’d need permit to visit Silk Route, which you need to either get from Rongli (if you are travelling from Kalimpong Side) or else from Gangtok.

      2. Not really. 5 Year old kid is fine.

  • Dipen
    March 28, 2018 at 5:21 PM

    Thanks a lot for this wonderful blog, basically this is complete guide for the silkroot tour.
    I am planning to visit there, have few queries:
    1. Can I book travel package from traven agency after reaching to Zuluk or Rongli, like we can do from Gangtok?
    2. If we night stay at Gnathang in April 10th,2018 with 5 year kid (she has already visited to changu, pelling) is that would be risky?


  • Rena
    April 23, 2018 at 7:21 AM

    Thanks for the info

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      May 13, 2018 at 9:06 PM

      Hi Rena, Thanks a lot and I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

  • Aritra roy choudhury
    May 12, 2018 at 1:54 AM

    Hi Krishnandu -Wonderful article which cleared lot of my doubts.

    Two more questions: 1) Can I contact Dipankar Da at the above mentioned mail id OR he has some other personal mail id as well?

    2) Do you have any update on current rate of the home stays and cars for this silk route in an average (specially during puja)?

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      May 13, 2018 at 9:08 PM

      Hi Aritra,
      Thanks a lot and I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

      1. Yes you can contact him on the above mentioned contact details.

      2. Homestays nowadays costs around Rs. 850/- – Rs. 1000/- depending on the season. During Durga Puja (peak season) it’d definitely be on the higher side. Vehicles would cost you around Rs. 3300/- – Rs. 3500/- per day.

      • Aritra Roy Choudhury
        May 14, 2018 at 11:21 AM

        Thanks! I have heard a lot about travel funda here. But I have mailed them for silk route trip and they replied that they are not doing silk route trip anymore. So is there any there any other travel funda which everyone has mentioned here?

        • Krishnandu Sarkar
          May 15, 2018 at 11:52 PM

          Hi Aritra, I didn’t travelled with Travel Funda. I booked with North East Travels. You can check with them at Dipankar Da (North East Travels) : +91-89722-47306 / +91-94745-94446. Email :

    May 30, 2018 at 5:13 PM

    Great writing Krishnandu….I would like to visit Silk Route in Oct 2018 and I got lots of information from your blog. Thanks Boss.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      May 30, 2018 at 11:36 PM

      Hi Soumen, Thanks a lot and I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

  • Rohan Choubey
    June 24, 2018 at 12:20 AM

    Thank you very much Dada for this informative blog and beautiful pictures. I was hoping to go through the Old silk route in December. I need your help with deciding something. We are 8 people in their 20s. We wish to stay in Rishikhola, Zuluk, Gnangthang and if required in Gangtok.
    1. Will the route be accessible in December? (I know it will be harsh but exactly want this)
    2. Are there any chances of snow in December?
    3. We should start the trip from Rishikhola and end in Gangtok or should start from Gangtok then go to Gnangthang via Tsongo, Nathulla and then end with Rishikhola?
    4. Is the permit of Old silk route available from Gangtok?
    and most importantly…
    5. Can we book the Homestay and car through the contacts provided by you or should I book through Mr. Dipankar Roy? Also will there be any differences financially in these two cases?
    I again thank you for your providing us with inspiration and valuable information.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      June 24, 2018 at 10:45 PM

      Thanks a lot Rohan and I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

      1. Yes. But Gnathang – Gangtok might get closed. And if you are very unlucky (in case heavy snowfall occurs), route post Thambi View Point towards Gnathang might get closed too.

      2. Yes. Though it’s highly unpredictable. But chances are high.

      3. If you want to visit Nathula you need to start from Gangtok. As the permits are issued from Gangtok, it’s practically near to impossible to cover Nathula while coming from Gnathang to Gangtok.

      4. Yes.

      5. Yes definitely you can book everything on your own. That’s why I always reveal the contact details. Sometimes due to bulk pricing, tour operators can provide you cheaper pricing then direct quotations. So take quotations from both Mr. Dipankar Roy and directly and go with whatever is being cheaper. I booked through him, as his quotation was slightly cheaper.

  • Anagh
    June 26, 2018 at 8:31 AM

    Krishna district Da can I have ur mobile no.

  • Anagh
    June 26, 2018 at 9:09 AM

    Krishnendu Da tour plan change according to better half plan. The plan to silk route. I have two plan I request pls go through it . We are novice in this route. Which will be better according to u .

    Day 01: NJP Railway Station – Sillerygaon/Echegaon: Pick up from NJP Railway Station, drive to Sillerygaon (90 kms/4 hrs) / Echegaon. you have option to short trek to visit Tinchuley view point or Silent valley from Sillerygaon, you have option to short treek to Ramdhura from Echegaon. Overnight at Sillerygaon (6,800 ft.) / Echegaon

    Day 02: Sillerygaon / Echegaon – Rolep (59 kms/3.5 hrs):  Early morning you may trek to visit Ramithey view point from both Sillery & Echegaon,This view point is also unique as it offers the longest view of the Teesta meandering through the valley with its 14 bends, a rare sight to behold After breakfast transfer to Rolep via Pedong and Reshikhola, visit Rongpokhola, Hanging bridge and Buddha Falls which very near from homestay. Overnight at Rolep (4,800 ft.).

    Day 03: Rolep – Zuluk / PAdamchen (68 kms/4hrs):   Early morning you may visit Bauda cave by short trek..After breakfast proceed to Zuluk . Enroute covering Rongli(for inner line permit) Lingtam, Kuekhola falls, Neemachen wildlife Sanctuary and Phadamchen (Known as Lower Zuluk). Overnight stay Zuluk (10,200 ft.). / Padamchen (9,400 ft)

    Day 04: Excursion to Old Silk Route: After early breakfast visit Zuluk valley, Thambi view point (11,200 ft.), offers a panoramic view of Mt. Kanchenjungha. Located at a distance of 14 kms from Zuluk on the famous zig-zag road (locally called Bhulbhulaiya for its 30 hairpin turns) Thambi is a roadside viewpoint that opens up suddenly to Mt. Kanchenjungha, Lungthung-Dhupidara(11,800 ft.),LaxmiChawk, reach Nathnag valley (13,700 ft.), Tukla valley, Kalapokhri, Old Baba Mandir (13,000 ft.), Elephant lake at Kupup .back to Zuluk (10,200 ft)/ Phadamchen (9,400 ft.) for night stay.
    Day 05 : Phadamchen –Aritar (50 Kms/2.5 hrs): Early morning around 4 a.m you may visit Ganek Sunrise point (Optional, own cost). After breakfast proceed towards Aritar . Visit Lampokhri lake, The highest boating lake in Sikkim. Enjoy the boat ride in the lake. Also visit Dakbanglow at Aritar. After lunch transfer to the Mankhim Dara ( 6500 ft ), a hilltop overlooking the Lampokhari Lake is quite enthralling. A temple of the ethnic Rai sect of Hindu origin is located at Maity village ( Kheselakha ) from where the tourist may have a view of beautiful sunset. Overnightstay at Aritar (4,900 ft.)

    Day 06: Aritar – NJP Railway Station (105 kms/4 hrs): After breakfast drop to NJP Railway Station. You stay in Reshikhola then you visit, Early morning have option to visit Shivalaya Temple by short trek. After breakfast drop to NJP Railway Station.

    Plan 2
    DAY-1:-   Meet & after breakfast start From NJP – Drive For Ramdhura. Overnight stay at hotel Ramdhura.

    DAY-2:- After breakfast check out from hotel, via on route sightseeing transfer to Mankhim.
    Sightseeing Aritar lake and Monastery.

    DAY-3:- After breakfast check out from hotel & transfer to Zuluk, Reach Zuluk

    DAY-4:-  After Breakfast Start For Sight Seeing At 08:00 am Covering Zig Zag Road, Ganek, Thambi View Point. Then Proceed For The SilkRoute Trail And Enjoy The Beauty Laxmi Chowk, Gnathang Valley, Tukla Valley, Kalapokhari, Old Baba Mandir, Jelep-La Pass View And Reach Kupup 13,900ft. Lake At Kupup, See The World’s Highest Golf Course, The Ice Hockey Ground. Back To Hotel and Night Stay to Padamchen .

     Day-5:-  After breakfast transfer to Rishikhola sightseeing. stay at Rishikhola.

    Day-6:- After proceed to NJP

    Thanks pls share ur mobile no if possible I will contact before proceeding to there. Plan your from 13 Oct to 18 Oct of six people. Average cost coming near 48 OOO. Thanks

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      June 26, 2018 at 9:20 PM

      Hi Anagh, Well frankly speaking both the plans are more or less same. All the destinations along Silk Route have it’s own charm. So it’s you and your better half who have to decide which one you want to go with. As you might not like the place that I like. Everyone have different preferences.

      So better take a look at images available in the internet for the above mentioned places and make a decission.

  • Sudipta Das
    August 10, 2018 at 5:16 PM

    Awesome information…Krish..
    Please tell me the phone number of DEBASHIS DA

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      August 15, 2018 at 10:47 AM

      Thanks a lot Sudipta. However I don’t remember of mentioning anyone named Debashish Da in my article. Can you please clarify whom you are referring to?

      All the contact details relevant to Silk Route are already shared above, in case you are looking for that.

  • Sanchita bhoot
    October 31, 2018 at 5:37 PM

    Hi Krishnandu,

    This is one of the best itinerary I have came across. We are travelling to Sikkim from 15th December to 24th December, is it possible to add Lachen and Lachung tp it.


    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      October 31, 2018 at 7:02 PM

      Hi Sanchita, Thanks a lot and I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

      Yes you can add Lachen & Lachung easily within the number of days you have planned. Have you came up with any itinerary? Or you want me to suggest one?

      BTW though there’s not much high chance, however North Sikkim can be dicey during the end of December.

      • Sanchita
        October 31, 2018 at 7:11 PM

        Hi Krishnandu,

        It would be really great if you can propose a suitable itinerary. So will it be difficult to travel to Zero Valley and Yumathang valley?

        • Krishnandu Sarkar
          October 31, 2018 at 7:34 PM

          Hi Sanchita, Well see if it doesn’t starts snowfall by that time there’s no issue. Else otherwise the whole route gets blocked. In that case you have to alter your plans. Frankly speaking, there’s not much high chance of getting things blocked during that period, but it’s still dicey as the weather is always a bit unpredictable there.

          Anyway you can do it like…

          15th : NJP / IXB – Gangtok
          16th : Gangtok – Lachen
          17th : Lachen – Gurudongmar – Lachung
          18th : Lachung – Yumthang – Zero Point – Gangtok
          19th : Gangtok Sightseeing
          20th : Gangtok – Tsomgo Lake – Baba Mandir – Nathu La – Gnathang
          21st : Gnathang – Zuluk
          22nd : Zuluk – Mankhim
          23rd : Mankhim – Reshikhola
          24th : Reshikhola – NJP / IXB

          • Sanchita
            October 31, 2018 at 7:37 PM

            Thank you so much, it is one such big help :). One more question plz, in case zero point and yumthang are closed, what else can we cover?

            • Krishnandu Sarkar
              October 31, 2018 at 7:42 PM

              In case it’s closed, then you can do it like…

              15th : NJP / IXB – Namchi
              16th : Namchi – Pelling
              17th : Pelling Sightseeing
              18th : Pelling – Gangtok via Ravangla

              You can continue the rest as per exiting plan.

              • Sanchita
                October 31, 2018 at 7:59 PM

                Perfect, a heartfelt thanks. Thanks a ton 🙂

  • Suman TALUKDAR
    December 22, 2018 at 6:01 PM

    Very informative blog. I would like to add that if you are a motorcycle enthusiast you are in for a treat if you visit Zuluk valley. The roads are a little rough but the spectacular view that is offered from the place is worth every pain and sweat. So do take a bike trip if you can; you will definitely enjoy more.

  • Sumit Dasgupta
    January 13, 2019 at 2:41 PM

    Details about silk route tour for 5N/6D pack for 12 person

  • Sougata Adhikary
    January 15, 2019 at 9:08 PM


    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      January 15, 2019 at 9:54 PM

      Thanks a lot 🙂

      I’m glad that you liked it 🙂

  • Hemang Kotadia
    April 22, 2019 at 5:28 PM

    hi can u provide me good taxi operator details for silk route…i m travelling 30th april ….

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      April 23, 2019 at 8:21 PM

      Hi Mr. Hemang, I have already given contact details above. However, here are the same again..

      Dipankar Da (North East Travels) : +91-89722-47306 / +91-94745-94446. Email :

      Mohan Ji (Arpan’s Agency) : +91-98325-66772 / +91-94749-08656. He can arrange car throughout Silk Route.

      Arpan (Scorpio – SK 01J 0084) : +91-81454-23829. He drives a Scorpio, and a very good jolly person as well as good driver.

      • Hemang Kotadia
        April 24, 2019 at 12:16 PM

        thanks dear

  • Darjeeling Bikes
    October 10, 2019 at 3:10 PM

    Hello Mr. Krishnandu,

    Hats off to you for such a detailed article on Silk Route. If I am not wrong I have read another article of yours on Bhutan, there you mentioned about a hotel for lunch at Paro. Your article is helpfull in any manner, for everyone. Not only tourists got to about a new place but also the locals got know the known of their places. You are really awesome with your photos also. I don’t know what you do or blogging on travels is your profession or not but I have an offer for you. Please reach me over my email, I have a project for you.

    Once again thanks for the article.

  • Pampi
    December 27, 2020 at 1:11 AM

    Dear Krishnendu, my heartiest thanks to you for this precious information. You just left nothing. Very very useful, co-operative information you have shared for silk route travelers. Just one request, to add Rongpokhola to your itinerary. It’s also an amazing place. I have been there several times and each of my travel was with a distinctive flavor. Thank You. Keep posting.

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      January 5, 2021 at 10:28 AM

      Hi Pampi, Thanks a lot and I’m glad that you liked the article 🙂

      I’ll surely add a few more destinations along Silk Route as it’s been quite some time I have been there and a lot of new destinations have popped up since then. They are already on my bucket list, however, unfortunately, I’m set back by the Covid19.

  • […] drive away from this Rhenock Bazaar. Again, although, we covered it as a part of our tour to Sikkim Silk Route, however, this was completely new for Dilip Da and Boudi. Thus, we requested Babai Da to drive us […]

  • Pawan borana
    February 5, 2021 at 6:27 PM

    Zuluk is an excellent place since historical times, it is surrounded by the natural beauty of Kanchenjunga, situated amidst the old Silk Route in India.

  • Anindita
    April 19, 2021 at 1:55 PM

    Hello ! Gone through your blog, very nice detailed trip information is there. I travelled to Silkroute in 2019 and I loved the place but I missed Mamkhim that time. After Covid period I would like to travel once again and this blog will definitely help me. Thanks a lot ! Keep Sharing and keep posting.

  • Annie
    June 9, 2021 at 11:43 PM

    You just perfectly described…it fills the heart to read the article. Thank you for sharing about your experience.

  • Madhurima Chakraborty
    November 11, 2021 at 6:35 PM

    Khub sundor likhechen dada.. ami gechilam ei december e after covid was over. Found amazing view from thambi eto halo that we stayed back for another day. Daam ektu bere geche ekhan. per person they are charging 2500 plus food in Zuluk. Lungthung e 1200. Tobe network ekdom nei… Nathang e halka dariyechilam beshidur jaai ni eto beshi thanda chilo but tbh it was just mind blowing! Amar website e dekhte paren about my experience!

    • Krishnandu Sarkar
      November 12, 2021 at 10:06 AM

      Hello, Thanks for sharing the updates! Yes, I have already been through your blog several times on several occasions. I loved it and it was really helpful. Thanks for sharing your experiences over there 🙂

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